Evaluating the involvement of people with dementia in research
The approach in the SENSE-cog study to evaluate the involvement of older people with dementia and age-related hearing and vision impairment
Involving older people with dementia in research is increasingly recognised as important to ensure that research is relevant and beneficial for older people with dementia. But researchers need to know how best to involve older people with dementia and to be able to show the benefits of involving older people with dementia in dementia research.
This paper describes a research plan to explore the involvement of older people with dementia and age-related hearing and/or vision impairment in a European research project investigating the combined impact of dementia with hearing and/or vision impairment. We set up four Research User Groups (RUGs) of older people with dementia with age-related hearing and/or vision impairment and their carers based in the UK, France, Cyprus and Greece to advise our researchers. We provided training to group members to support their input to the research.
We will use a questionnaire and interview people in our RUGs to understand what they thought of the training and their experiences of being part of the RUG. We will also interview researchers to understand if they thought the advice from the groups was useful.
This study will help us to understand how to effectively involve older people with dementia and age-related hearing and/or vision impairment in research and what the benefits of involving older people with dementia in research are.