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10 people standing in 2 rows, smiling.

From us

A selection of blogs from the Vocal team, covering different aspects of our work.

Image showing people talking at a Vocal event.

Working together

Find out more about our policies, 5 year strategy and how we measure the difference made to research and people having a say in it.

A group of people from Manchester wearing white lab coats engage in conversation with a scientist who is gesturing with her hands while others listen attentively.

Let’s Talk Labs

Laboratory or lab-based research is often the first step in research that makes a difference. However, we don’t talk enough about it, so #LetsTalkLabs!

Two people sat down talking to eachother.

My Skin & Sunlight

Find out about why summer is out of the question for people with photoaggravated atopic dermatitis and how research is helping improve their lives.

Two people chopping vegetables, one is smiling looking at the other one as she chops food.

Cancer & Us

Cancer & Us: Community Conversations brought people from Greater Manchester and cancer researchers to talk about cancer, prevention and research.

Young person sitting on a chair on a cliff, looking at the sea with binoculars.


Personal stories about living with musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions and how physical movement is incorporated in day to day life. MSK researchers share what drives their research.

Image of Julie and Farida talking to each other.

Radiotherapy & Me

Personal stories about having cancer and experiencing radiotherapy treatment. Researchers explain the different types of radiotherapy and how patients can help to shape research.

Woman laughing.

Breathtaking Lungs

We worked with patients and researchers in Wythenshawe to spread the word about lung health, breathlessness and research.

Two people with their backs to a white board with 'vaccines' written on it. One of the people is wearing a white lab coat and the other person is wearing a headscarf and a blue outfit.  a medical coat.

One for All

Follow Tadala and Mayeso as they explore what to believe and who to trust when it comes to vaccines in this new comic.

Contact Vocal

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