Dementia Matters
A digital dementia awareness resource for pupils at Key Stage 3, 4 and 5 with lesson plans, presentations and videos
Helping students understand dementia
Dementia Matters supports teachers to facilitate discussions about dementia with their students. It covers what dementia is and how people with dementia can be supported. As the number of people in the UK with dementia is expected to rise to over 1 million by 2025, dementia will increasingly impact on the the lives of young people.
The resource was commissioned by Dr Iracema Leroi (Institute of Brain Behaviour and Health, The University of Manchester) and Greater Manchester & Eastern Cheshire Strategic Clinical Networks.
How it was created
Dementia Matters was developed through collapsed curriculum workshops where students worked with researchers, health professionals and dementia volunteers to discuss a variety of issues related to dementia and dementia care.
I’ve learnt new things about dementia and how to contribute towards making a difference, no matter how small.
Secondary school student
Lesson plans and resources
The resource includes three lesson plans and accompanying presentations and videos.
The topics are
What is Dementia?
Designing an Intergenerational Event
Creating a Dementia-friendly Environment
The three lesson plans are designed to contribute to a PSHE education in Key Stages 3, 4 and 5. They follow the ‘Ten Principles of effective PSHE education’ and link to the ‘core theme’ of Health and Wellbeing of the PSHE Association Programme of Study 2017
The lessons can be delivered individually as a stand-alone PSHE session or together as part of a longer programme.
I’ve been inspired to help people with dementia smile, tell my friends and family about dementia and be more patient.
Secondary school student