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Top tips for researchers

Posted by Annie Keane, Deputy Director, in Resources, June, 2020

Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Research Advisory Group (BRAG) members outline what they expect from researchers who are attending BRAG meetings for advice

  • Present Information about the research clearly and visually. Use a maximum of five slides

  • Be clear about why you are coming to the group. What expertise and input are you looking for? Specify any constraints you have.

  • Include information about how your research/topic area is relevant to people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities. What is known already, and what is not known?

  • Include information about how this topic affects people who experience health inequalities?

  • Consider what research has been already done in other countries or other places. How might such research inform your approach?

  • Be aware of the role that language and interpretation can play in people’s experiences of health care and research

  • Be aware of cultural and religious restrictions, norms that can affect people’s experiences of health care and research

  • Feed back to the group 6 months after meeting. What impact has BRAG input had on your research?

If you are a researcher who would like BRAG's advice on your research, please contact Annie Keane.

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